Monday, March 2, 2015

    As far as predestination itself I do think god predestines us in a since he knows who we will become but I don't believe he like shuns people. But there are something's in Calvinism that I do not believe in. To describe what I believe I'm going to use T.U.L.I.P.

Total deprivation

I do believe that everyone is born with a sinful nature and in the fact that we can do no good without god. 

Unconditional Election

I do believe that God chooses us and we don't deserve it. 

Limited Atonement

I do not believe that Jesus only died for some people I believe he died for EVERYONE because he loves everyone. I don't believe he sits in heaven going I love you but not you I love you oh but not you.

Irresistible Grace

I do believe God knows what I like but I also believe humans are stubborn and could deny him no matter what.

Preservation of the Saints 

I do not believe in this. Reason being like I said before humans are stubborn and we could push god away.

This is what I do and don't believe about Calvinism and predestination. Comment below if you want to give me some feedback.

1 comment:

  1. *Total Depravity

    Good thoughts. I would have preferred that you deal with the Ephesians passage. While this debate is important to some, others have decided to avoid this discussion all together--which is perfectly acceptable. However, I do not think it is good for someone who respects the authority of the Bible to ignore some parts because they do not know how to deal with the message. Thus, the more important part of this assignment is not to weigh in on Calvinism, but to show that, whatever your view, you can interpret and apply the first several verses of Ephesians. So now that you have rejected Calvinism, how do you interpret Ephesians chapter 1?
